Developing Guidelines for Solving Poverty Problems of Kalasin Province

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Songgrod Phimphisan
Jirapan Huaisan
Jatsada Singthongchai
Phimlikid Kaewhanam
Sakkasem Panalad
Likit Sirisantimethakom
Piyanan Chomnawang
Naruechit Saenpakdee


The poverty situation in Kalasin province, as reflected in the Gross Provincial Product per capita (GPP) in 2017, highlighted a per capita income of 61,084 Baht (approximately 1,690 USD) annually, ranking it as the 4th highest province in terms of underprivileged population. To address this issue, specific samples were selected from two databases: the Human Development Information Management System and the Kalasin People Leave No One Behind database, revealing 10,154 underprivileged households. Qualitative research methods were employed to collect data on the 5 dimensions of living capital: human, physical, financial, natural resource and disaster, and social capital. The study found that human and financial capital significantly impacted household poverty. To alleviate these challenges, several activities were proposed and implemented, including raising poverty awareness, verifying data on underprivileged households, and analyzing and defining underprivileged groups in Kalasin Province. Process innovation at the local level was also initiated to support targeted decision-making by government agencies. Additionally, action models were developed to address poverty in specific communities, such as the Merit Fund in Klangmuen Sub-District, GAP vegetable production in Namon Sub-District, and straw mushroom cultivation in Sahaskhan Sub-District. Referrals for assistance were also made, with housing, occupation, health, state welfare, fairness, and debt being addressed for various households.

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How to Cite
Phimphisan, S., Huaisan, J., Singthongchai, J., Kaewhanam, P., Panalad, S., Sirisantimethakom, L., Chomnawang, P., & Saenpakdee, N. (2024). Developing Guidelines for Solving Poverty Problems of Kalasin Province. Area Based Development Research Journal, 16(1), 1–18. retrieved from
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