The Effect of Socio-Scientific Inquiry-Based Learning of Life in the Environment on Grade 10th Students’ Asking Questions

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Piyawadee Sompong
Romklao Jantrasee


Socio-science inquiry-based learning (SSIBL) is an approach that provides students with opportunities to get real practice by emphasizing the importance of applying the sciences in daily life and encouraging their interests to ask questions and investigate to find out the answer to those questions. This study aimed to investigate the students’ abilities to asking question when they were involved in SSIBL of life in the environment. Forty grade 10 students who studied at a public secondary school located in Chumpae, Khon Kaen Province, participated in this study. This study employed a qualitative research design. Data collections were gathered from asking question forms, reflection forms, video recordings during learning, and unstructured interviews and these data were then analyzed using content analysis. The results showed that the students could improve their abilities to ask questions from non-investigable to investigable types after learning. The most investigable questions found were exploratory, descriptive, and problem-solving types, respectively. It could be concluded that SSIBL assists the students in asking investigable questions involved in environmental situations. Additionally, asking questions plays a role in environmental literacy by initiating them in the seeking of information, speculating, and developing answers with the use of environmental knowledge to their questions.

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How to Cite
Sompong, P., & Jantrasee, R. . . (2023). The Effect of Socio-Scientific Inquiry-Based Learning of Life in the Environment on Grade 10th Students’ Asking Questions . Journal of Inclusive and Innovative Education, 7(2), 134–148. retrieved from
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