
  • Dr. Rungroj Piromanukul อาจารย์ประจําภาควิชาประวัติศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง


Pusyagiri, Muang U-thong


This paper considers as evidence, an inscription on the rim of a bronze vessel found in the ancient remains numbered 11 at Muang Sri Mahosot, Prachin Buri. The evidence assists us with our understanding of devotion offerings to sacred images in Muang Sang Wok. Unfortunately it is not clear whether the Muang Sang Wok is the current Sri Mahosot since the bronze vessel is a movable object.

This site though contain some additional information to assist us in establishing whether the Muang Sang Wok is the current Sri Mahosot. There is an inscription on a doorframe in the Bayon Temple which mentions the footprints of the Lord Buddha and Phra Bhaisajyaguru of Sang Wok. This evidence suggests that these footprints and the establishment of the religious place of Arogyasala both came about during the reign of King Jayavarman VII.

Therefore the evidence suggests that Muang Sang Wok is the current Sri Mahosot since the religious place of Arogyasala and the footprints both the lord Buddha and Phra Bhaisajyaguru are not found in any other King Jayavarman VII-dated archaeological sites.



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