The Development of a Participatory Management Model in Dual System of Educational Institutions under the Office of Vocational Education Commission

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ฐาปณีย์ เสาหิน
สุพรรณี สมานญาติ
ราชันย์ บุญธิมา


This research objectives were to develop and assess the propriety and the feasibility of a participatory management model in dual system of educational institutions under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission. The research process comprised 2 steps. Step 1 was the development of the model by studying documents and related literatures, and interviewing 6 experts. The research sample comprised 411 people including directors of the educational institutions, deputy directors for Academic Affairs, dual-system curriculum committee chairs, department heads, teachers, supervising teachers, workplace administrators, and workplace mentors, obtained by cluster sampling. The research instruments were note-taking, and questionnaires. The data were analyzed by doing content analysis, and using the means, standard deviation, and factor analysis. Step 2 was the assessment of the propriety and the feasibility of the model by conducting a focus group discussion with 19 experts. The research instrument was an assessment form. The data were analyzed by using the frequency and Chi-square test. The research results were as follows: 1. The participatory management model in dual system of educational institutions under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission consisted of 4 components: participation in planning and decision-making, participation in working process, participation in assessment and development, and participation in receiving benefits. These components accounted for 67.306 percent of the variance, and complied with the empirical data. 2. The developed participatory management model in dual system of educational institutions under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission was suitable and feasible at the .01 level of statistical significance.


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เสาหิน ฐ., สมานญาติ ส., & บุญธิมา ร. (2019). The Development of a Participatory Management Model in Dual System of Educational Institutions under the Office of Vocational Education Commission. Electronic Journal of Open and Distance Innovative Learning (e-JODIL), 9(1), 95–105. retrieved from
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