Inequality in Household Real Estate Ownership and the Effect of Property Taxes on Income Inequality in Thailand

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Voramast Limteerakul


Thai government replaces property taxes on real estate with land and building tax to increase local government revenue, improve tax administration, and reduce land concentration and price speculation. However, housing and farming property value less than 50 MB or 99.96% (DLA, 2018) are exempted.  This study applies Shorrocks Index decomposition by income quintile, region and municipal area to measure income and assets inequality in Thailand over 2007-2017.  Thai household income and assets from Socio-economic Survey (SES) is standardized with national statistics.  The analysis is done under three scenarios: previous property taxes, land and building tax, and land and building tax without exemption.  Inequality of assets were higher than income throughout the period.  Majority of inequality stem from inequality in the Bangkok and urban area.  The empirical results support the implication of land and building tax as the new tax law can generate much higher revenue for local government and better reduce inequality.  Land and building tax can be levied on all property regardless their value as it would generate much higher revenue and household tax burden is rather small

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