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พุฒิพัฒน์ ทวีวชิรพัฒน์
ประพิณวดี ศิริศุภลักษณ์
จารึก สิงหปรีชา


The Effect of Maize Import Tariff Reduction in Thailand

Maize is an important feed crop. Under WTO commitment, Thailand was forced to open Thai market for maize and reduce the maize tariff. However, the maize import tariff affects the relevant stakeholders of maize. This research studies the effect of reducing the maize tariff on the stakeholders of maize under partial equilibrium technique using multimarket model and OLS and 3SLS estimation methods. Then, it is applied to measure the social welfare. The results exhibit welfare loss for maize farmer, egg farmer, and consumer of pork and chicken. Whereas, feed crop producer, egg consumer, maize importer, and chicken and swine producers receive welfare gain. The tariff revenue for government decreases. Moreover, the welfare loss for maize farmer is greater than total welfare gain to the other stakeholders. Therefore, the import tariff reduction causes the net welfare loss. Policy recommendation is that maize tariff should be kept the same rate as before.

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