Digital Media Communication of Community Enterprise


  • ธนัท สมณคุปต์
  • พัทธนันท์ บุตรฉุย


Digital Media, Communications, Community Enterprise


The purpose of this research was to study the study of using digital media in communications of community enterprise. The qualitative study was conducted by analyzed and synthesized on documents and research papers related to the communications in the digital age and digital media that can be used by community enterprises for public relations and create awareness of products. As well as increasing the accessibility of consumers in online communities, providing products and services that are widely known. The concept of the digital media process consists of four steps:  1) Pre-Production 2) Production 3) Post-Production 4) Distribution. The attribute of digital media communications of community enterprise needs to promote community products and community knowledge by using digital media. The digital media feature must be able to share content, open the opportunity to present the products and service, knowledge and experience as well as being a medium that interacts with the receivers which can be divided digital media types are as follows 1) Website 2) Social Media such as Line, Facebook, YouTube , Instagram 3) Video Clip 4) Infographic.


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How to Cite

สมณคุปต์ ธ., & บุตรฉุย พ. (2019). Digital Media Communication of Community Enterprise. ECT Education and Communication Technology Journal, 14(16), 11–22. Retrieved from