Planning of Video Production in Digital Age


  • นรินธน์ นนทมาลย์


Planning Video Production, Instructional video, digital age


This article aims to present the process of planning of Video Production in the digital age. Because video is an important medium and has a greater role in teaching and learning. Including most students choose to use learning by watching videos, Therefore, the instructor should have
a plan to produce the instructional video. Due to the importance of video production, it is like defining the direction of work for oneself and the team by planning the production of instructional video in the digital age. There are 10 steps which are (1) Content analysis (2) Write the objectives of instructional videos (3) Determine video presentation formats, Types of programs, Program schedule, Video length (4) Learner analysis (5) Video presentation analyze (6) Design activity of video based learning (7) Determine how to use the video (8) Determine the location for the production of instructional video (9) Determine the responsible person / The equipment used for the shoot (10) Determine Budget


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How to Cite

นนทมาลย์ น. (2019). Planning of Video Production in Digital Age. ECT Education and Communication Technology Journal, 14(16), 35–52. Retrieved from