Development of an Online Instructional Model Together with Problem Based Learning Based on MOOC Instructional Standards and Practice to Enhance Problem Solving Thinking Skill For Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University Students


  • รศ.ดร.สมัครสมร ภักดีเทวา


Online instructional model, Problem based learning, MOOC instructional standards and practice


The objectives of this research were (1) to develop and verify the efficiency of an online instructional model together with problem based learning based on MOOC instructional standards and practice; (2) to study learning achievement of students who learned from the online instructional model together with problem based learning based on MOOC instructional standards and practice; (3) to study problem solving thinking skill of undergraduate students; (4) to study opinions of students who learned from the online instructional model together with problem based learning based on MOOC instructional standards and practice. The research sample consisted of 30 purposively selected undergraduate students of the School of Management Science, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, this research was a research and development. The research results could be concluded as follows: (1) the developed online instructional model had four following steps: (1.1) induction step, (1.2) learning step, (1.3) evaluation step, and (1.4) summative evaluation step; (2) the pre-and post-tests were used to compare before and after learning achievements of the participants. The average score of after learning with the model was higher than the other, and they were significantly different at the .05 level; (3)regarding the result of studying the problem solving thinking skill as a result of doing instructional activities while learning under the developed online instructional model at the high level (Mean = 3.42, S.D. = 0.58); (4) regarding the result of studying opinions of the students, it was found that their opinions were at the highest level (Mean = 4.54, S.D. = 0.45).


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How to Cite

ภักดีเทวา ร. (2021). Development of an Online Instructional Model Together with Problem Based Learning Based on MOOC Instructional Standards and Practice to Enhance Problem Solving Thinking Skill For Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University Students. ECT Education and Communication Technology Journal, 16(20), 92–109. Retrieved from