Learning approach that promotes Emotional Intelligence with Computational Thinking skills and Coding.


  • วชิรพรรณ ทองวิจิตร มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์


Emotional Intelligence, Computational Thinking, Coding


Computational thinking skills are the process of solving problems with rational thinking to come up with a step-by-step approach to finding answers. It consists of dividing a large problem into sub-problem, form consideration, abstract thinking, and design of the solution algorithm. These are skills for programming or coding, which are included in the Technology course (Computing Science). In addition to improving learners’ Intelligence Quotient (IQ), it also results in systematic thinking and proper behavior, known as Emotional Intelligence, which consists of self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills. These components can be promoted through computational thinking skills and coding activities.


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How to Cite

ทองวิจิตร ว. (2021). Learning approach that promotes Emotional Intelligence with Computational Thinking skills and Coding. ECT Education and Communication Technology Journal, 16(21), 94–107. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ectstou/article/view/249192