Digital Competency: A Sustainable Learning Skill in APEC Education Goals 2022


  • จุฬารัตน์ บุษบงก์ -


Digital Competency, APEC Education Goals, Learning Skill


Due to the APEC Education Forum 2022 by the Cooperation of Education Network was Established APEC Education Strategy that focused on 3 Aspects of Sustainable Education Quality i.e. (1) Enhancing Competencies (2) Accelerating Innovation (3) Increase employability the Goals of Education need to many factors Support Especially “Digital Competency” to Accommodate of 6 Factors Consisting of (1) Digital Literacy (2) Digital Skill/ICT Skill Usage (3) Produce and Communication in Digital’s Tool (4) Problem Solving with Digital tools (5) Evaluating in Digital Information Technology (6) Ethics of Digital Technology used


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How to Cite

บุษบงก์ จ. (2023). Digital Competency: A Sustainable Learning Skill in APEC Education Goals 2022. ECT Education and Communication Technology Journal, 18(24), 70–85. Retrieved from