An Exploratory Factor Analysis of Cyberbullying of Undergraduate Students
Cyberbullying, Exploratory factor analysis, Undergraduate studentsAbstract
The purposes of this study were to 1) study the factors of cyberbullying of undergraduate students and 2) analyze the exploratory factors of cyberbullying of undergraduate students. The sample was 466 graduate students (60.7% females with
a mean age of 19.75 years), who were selected with stratified random sampling based on their fields of study. The research instrument was a cyberbullying questionnaire. whose reliability was measured by internal consistency with Cronbach's alpha coefficients (.947). Data were analyzed by using the frequency, mean, eigenvalue, factor loadings and exploratory factor analysis (EFA), using common factor analysis with principal axis factoring and oblique rotation. The findings were as follows:
1. The factors of cyberbullying among undergraduate students can be divided into 3 aspects: 1) Cyberaggression 2) Cyberbystanding and 3) Cybervictimization
2.The first factor, 'Cyberaggression', consisted of 14 components, had the eigenvalue of 22.860, and revealed 51.955% of the variance, and the factor loadings between .669 and .922. The second factor is was 'Cyberbystanding', consisting of 15 components, with the eigenvalue of 6.371 and suggesting 14.479% of the variance and the factor loadings ranging from .542 to .889. The third factor is was 'Cybervictimization', consisting of 15 components, with the eigenvalue of 2.096 and revealing 4.763% of the variance. and the factor loadings ranging from .510 to .879.
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