The Study and Development of Positive Mindset with Contemporary Training Package for Advisory Teachers in Chachoengsao Province


  • Suwatcharaporn Suayarom Faculty of Education, Rajabhat Rajanagarindra University
  • Waraporn Sinthaworn Faculty of Education, Rajabhat Rajanagarindra University


positive mindset, a contemporary training package, advisor teachers


The objectives of this research were 1) to study a positive mindset for advisor teachers in Chachoengsao Province, 2) to develop a contemporary training package to develop a positive mindset for advisor teachers, and 3) to study the effective of contemporary training packages to develop a positive mindset for advisor teachers. The research is divided into 3 phases: phrase 1: to study a positive mindset. The sample group was 400 school counselors in Chachoengsao Province, phrase 2: to develop a contemporary training package to develop a positive mindset for counselors and phrase 3: to study the effective of contemporary training packages to develop a positive mindset for advisor teachers. The sample group was 50 school counselor teachers in Chachoengsao province. They were selected from a purposive random sampling. The research tools used were a measurement form of positive mindset for counselor teachers and a contemporary training package to develop a positive mindset for consult teachers. The statistics used in this study were mean, standard deviation, T-value test and efficiency values E1/E2. The research results found that

The advisor teachers have a high level of positive mindset. The average mean was 4.16. 10 lessons of a contemporary training package to develop a positive mindset for teacher counselors in Chachoengsao Province were 1) orientation 2) exploring a positive mindset 3) changing thoughts 4) giving room for mistakes 5) destiny or fight 6) creating space to grow 7) fulfilling happiness 8) words that change minds 9) developing a positive mindset and 10) final orientation.

The effective of a contemporary training package to developing a positive mindset for advisor teachers in Chachoengsao Province was found that positive mindset scores of advisor teachers participating in a contemporary training package after experimental training was higher than before experimental training

The efficiency value of a contemporary training package to develop a positive mindset for teacher counselors in Chachoengsao Province was 88.95 and 89.77 and its value criteria equaled to effective according to 80/80.


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How to Cite

Suayarom, S., & Sinthaworn, W. (2024). The Study and Development of Positive Mindset with Contemporary Training Package for Advisory Teachers in Chachoengsao Province. ECT Education and Communication Technology Journal, 19(26), 89–104. retrieved from