Developing a Supplementary Book on Basic Russian Language for Students of International School of Tourism, Suratthani Rajabhat University


  • มัณฑน์นันท์ ขุนฤทธิ์


The Instructional Materials, Satisfactions, Basic Russian Grammar


The purpose of this Research is 1) To make the improvement of the Basic Russian Grammar Instruction Materials in order to be efficiency base on the Criteria 80/80 2) To make the comparison between the Pretest and Posttest of academic achievement for International School of Tourism student, Suratthani Rajabhat University 3) To study the student’s Satisfaction toward the Instruction Materials of the Basic Russian Grammar for International School of Tourism student,
Suratthani Rajabhat University. This research is mainly focusing on International School of Tourism student who is register to participate of the Basic Russian Grammar Instruction Module which refer to purpose simple for 20 students. The Materials of this study are consisted of 1) Document Materials of the Basic Russian Grammar Instruction 2) Test Materials for Pretest and Posttest, using E1/E2 based on criteria of Chaiyoung Promvong 3) Questionnaire paper of this Instruction Material, using the satisfaction scale based on Likert’s 5 – level rating scale. The Research result indicate that 1) The Efficiency of the Basic Russian Grammar Instruction Material is efficient according to the Criteria which proven of 80/80 result. 2) The Posttest result of student who participate the Basic Russian Grammar Instruction Module is acquire the higher score in comparison to the Pretest result. 3) The Satisfaction result of the student toward
the Module Instruction Materials is overall achieve very satisfied level which average mean score is equivalents to 4.64 and (S.D.) is equivalents to 0.57).
Keywords : The Instructional Materials, Satisfactions, Basic Russian Grammar




How to Cite

ขุนฤทธิ์ ม. (2018). Developing a Supplementary Book on Basic Russian Language for Students of International School of Tourism, Suratthani Rajabhat University. Chophayom Journal, 29(2), 257–265. retrieved from


