A Model Development for Promotion Trade and Investment in Vangtao-Phonethong Speciel Economic Zone Champasak Province, Lao PDR


  • บุนยง สูนทอน นักศึกษาปริญญาเอก สาขายุทธศาสตร์การพัฒนาภูมิภาค คณะมนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏมหาสารคาม
  • ชาตรี ศิริสวัสดิ์ อาจารย์สาขายุทธศาสตร์การพัฒนาภูมิภาค คณะมนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏมหาสารคาม
  • แดนวิชัย สายรักษา อาจารย์สาขายุทธศาสตร์การพัฒนาภูมิภาค คณะมนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏมหาสารคาม


A developmental model, trade and investment promotion, a special economic zone, Lao People’s Democratic Republic


The research title “A Developmental Model of Trade and Investment Promotion in Vangtao-Phonethong Special Economic Zone, Champasak Province, Lao People’s Democratic Republic” was a qualitative methodology. Phase 1: it aimed to study causal factors affecting the trade and investment promotion in Vangtao-Phonethong special economic zone, Champasak province, Lao People’s Democratic Republic. An archival, an inquiry, an interview were used to
collect data, including the case studies of Sawan-Seno special economic zone and the Pakse-Japan SME special economic zone of an industrial estate. Phase 2: the developmental model was created a draft and was criticized by specialists on a focus group method. Phase 3: the developmental model draft was evaluated and confirmed its efficiency by the specialists’ comments. The findings were as the following: 1. Casual factors affecting the trade and investment promotion in Vangtao-Phonethong special economic zone, Champasak province, Lao People’s Democratic Republic consisted of 11 factors of government’s policies, related acts, government’s management systems, a public utility system, leading, investment incentives, an environment inside, officers’ readiness, capabilities in an investment persuasion, technological systems, as well as sources of raw materials and marketing mechanisms. 2. A developmental model of a trade and investment promotion in Vangtao-Phonethong special economic zone, Champasak province, Lao People’s Democratic Republic was systems and mechanisms of a tax deduction policy, a high - energy electricity plant, an investment service center, a management system, an investment promotion acts, officers’ work competencies, management empowerment, transport routes, a master plan, a public private partnership on public utilities, concession lease and tax exemption for foreign investors, an investment advertisements and public relations, logistic system development, zoning areas, a study of effects, facility provides, officers’ welfare and progress, landscape and infrastructure development, an information technology, modern engine uses, and a marketing system. 3. The possibility of the developmental model as a whole and in 9 systems and mechanisms were at the high level, while government’s policies and their management were at the highest level. Keywords : A developmental model, trade and investment promotion, a special economic zone, Lao People’s Democratic Republic




How to Cite

สูนทอน บ., ศิริสวัสดิ์ ช., & สายรักษา แ. (2018). A Model Development for Promotion Trade and Investment in Vangtao-Phonethong Speciel Economic Zone Champasak Province, Lao PDR. Chophayom Journal, 29(2), 267–274. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ejChophayom/article/view/153050


