The Second Confirmatory Element Analysis, Confidence in the Performance of the Islamic Committee of Bangkok


  • ประเสริฐ สุขศาสน์กวิน kasembundit University
  • ทศพร มะหะหมัด อาจารย์ประจำหลักสูตรบริหารธุรกิจมหาบัณฑิต คณะบัณฑิตวิทยาลัย มหาวิทยาลัยเกษมบัณฑิต 1761 ถนนพัฒนาการ แขวงสวนหลวง เขต สวนหลวง กรุงเทพมหานคร 10250


Effective, Committee, Analysis


The purposes of this research are to study the basic information, analyze the second confirmatory element confidence performance doing work and study opinions about the composition confidence performance of the Bangkok Islamic Committee. The researcher collected data from the population by counting from six registered mosques. A total of 176 mosques is a sample group selection quota sampling quota selection. Samples were selected by two persons per mosque, number of questionnaires are 352. Inquire about sex, age, education, career, income, performance authority and responsibility Liaison Personnel security trust. The researcher can collect 300 questionnaires. Analysis uses analytical techniques quantitative by analysis of the second order confirmatory elements performance found in terms of basic information, 296 males and 4 females, most education undergraduate, most income 20,000 baht or more confirmatory element analysis F1: in terms of performance (EFF), the element weight was 0.93 and the observed variable was 7, with the composition weight between 0.64-0.87. F2: in terms of authority and responsibility (RES), element weight 1.00 and observed variable 7, element weight value from 0.65-0.94 F3: coordination aspect (COO), the element weight 0.99 and the observed variable 6, the element weight value from 0.79-0.87 F4: personnel security (STA)
has the element weight of 0.95 and the observed variable of 7 variables, the composition weight value from 0.77-0.94 F5: trust side (CON) has 1.00 element weight and 7 observed variable, element weight from 0.65-0.94 and F6: personal reliability (TRU) has the element weight of 0.93 and the observed variable of 5 variables, the element weight value from 0.68-0.93 Correlation coefficient (R2) 39 observable variables have values between 0.81–0.90 Keywords : Effective, Committee, Analysis


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How to Cite

สุขศาสน์กวิน ป., & มะหะหมัด ท. (2019). The Second Confirmatory Element Analysis, Confidence in the Performance of the Islamic Committee of Bangkok. Chophayom Journal, 30(2), 99–108. Retrieved from


