Assessment of Birth Control Service Pattern to Prevent Repeated Teenage Pregnancies Health Promoting Hospital, The 5th Regional Health Promotion Center, Ratchaburi


  • รัชนี ลักษิตานนท์ ศูนย์อนามัยที่ 5 ราชบุรี


assessment, birth control, repeated pregnancy, teenage mother


This descriptive research aimed to assess the pattern of postpartum birth control service for teenage mothers to solve the repeated teenage pregnancy problem. The sample group was 672 patients giving birth at Health Promoting Hospital, Regional Health Center 5, Ratchaburi from October 2014 - September 2017 who volunteered to join the birth control service pattern development project to prevent repeated teenage pregnancies. The tool used was the birth control service pattern to prevent repeated teenage pregnancies. Data were collected by observation and note-taking during the operation with the satisfaction surveys and childbirth/postpartum follow-up record. The data analysis was done by descriptive statistics. There were six steps in the birth control service pattern development to prevent repeated teenage pregnancies: 1) Impose the birth control and family planning policy; 2) Develop the personnel’s potentials in birth control service and consultancy; 3) Publish the birth control service and consultancy guideline; 4) Procure enough medical supplies for birth control to meet the patients’ demand; 5) Give birth control service and consultancy before the hospital discharge and 6) Assess the patients’ satisfaction towards the birth control service. It was found that 98.07 per cent of teenage mothers were satisfied with the postpartum birth control service and consultancy. From 2015-2017 respectively, the teenage birth controls of all methods were 85.6, 87.8 and 87.9 per cent, 72.7, 77.6 and 80.2 per cent of which (targeted at 80 per cent) were semi-permanent contraception via contraceptive implant while the repeated teenage pregnancies were 10.8, 8.6 and 9.7 per cent (targeted at not over 10 per cent). Keywords : assessment, birth control, repeated pregnancy, teenage mother


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How to Cite

ลักษิตานนท์ ร. (2019). Assessment of Birth Control Service Pattern to Prevent Repeated Teenage Pregnancies Health Promoting Hospital, The 5th Regional Health Promotion Center, Ratchaburi. Chophayom Journal, 30(2), 205–216. Retrieved from


