The Creation of Painting : Ways of Life in Isan Rural Areas and Colorful Imagination of Happiness in Former Times


  • Theerawat Klaewklong โรงเรียนกาฬสินธุ์พิทยาสรรพ์


Painting creation, Isan local life, imagine, color of happiness


This creativity of Arts thesis exhibition, entitled Ways of Life in Isan Rural Areas and Colorful Imagination of Happiness in Former Times, was inspired by a peaceful way of life and simple style of living in rural areas. People there commonly employ interdependence among pure nature and environment which help support their subsistence cultivation for the living based on the culture inherited for a long time. This has been a cultural capital created from wisdom of people and has influenced their lifestyles up till now. From the above mention, it made the author impressed and then always goes out for somewhere with the feeling of suburban areas or the atmosphere of rice fields which contain natural farms that bring calmness. Due to the nature and the simple way of life which provide cozy, comfortable and calm feelings in mind, the inspiration was thus originated in creating artwork. The creation was done under the main purposes to study the peaceful way of life, surrounded by fertile nature and environment, which is based on good tradition, and to publicize the artwork to people in general in terms of exhibition. The result of creation showed that the story and content from the impression happened in real experiences was communicated through analysis thinking process combined with imagination in creativity. This originated the artwork in semi-abstract forms using Acrylic painting technique on canvas in order to make the atmosphere expressing peaceful life and the beauty of natural environment in Isan rural areas. The artwork was thus created indicating its own identity and can reflected the relation between the core concept and creativity for better completion. Keyword : Painting creation, Isan local life, imagine, color of happiness


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How to Cite

Klaewklong, T. (2020). The Creation of Painting : Ways of Life in Isan Rural Areas and Colorful Imagination of Happiness in Former Times. Chophayom Journal, 31(1), 33–56. Retrieved from


