The Satisfaction with the New Media for Public Relatiosn of Thai for Communication Department Facebook Fanpage Follower


  • Chomphunut Makemuengthong Thai Language for Communication Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Ratanada Ardwichai Thai Language for Communication Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences


satisfaction, New media for public relation


This descriptive research aimed to 1) survey satisfaction of Thai for Communication Department Facebook Fanpage Followers towards the new media for public relations of Thai for Communication Department and 2) comparison between satisfaction of the gender and status. Questionnaire was used for data collection. The sample of this study was 367 Thai for Communication Department Facebook Fanpage Follower by questionnaire with reliability index of 0.9366, using the accidental sampling method. The statistics which were used for descriptive were Mean and Standard deviation, for analysis were T-test and F-test (ANOVA) The objectives of this research were: 1. The satisfaction of the Thai for Communication Department Facebook Fanpage Followers towards the new media for public relations of Thai for Communication Department is
the high level. 2. The comparative Thai for Communication Department Facebook Fanpage Followers satisfaction level found that were no significant differences in both their gender and status, at the .05 level.
Keywords: satisfaction, New media for public relation


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How to Cite

Makemuengthong, C., & Ardwichai, R. (2020). The Satisfaction with the New Media for Public Relatiosn of Thai for Communication Department Facebook Fanpage Follower. Chophayom Journal, 31(2), 110–123. retrieved from


