The Creation of Woodcut Art Theme Flower of Happiness


  • Nutsabar Anyo โรงเรียนบ้านหนองบัวแดง


woodcut art, flowers of happiness


This research has 2 creative objectives were to: 1) Study the flowers of happiness and 2) Create the woodcut art theme “ Flowers of happiness. “The research scope was to study the beauty of the flowers. The data collected was data analysis for the process of the creation of woodcut art. The inspiration of this creative work came from the beauty of flowers both in shapes and colors. The natural beauty of these flowers were surprising and amazing. The overlay of flower petals, colors or even the scent of different types felt of happiness, joyfulness and comfort. In addition, it felt warm when thought about some flowers that have been planted together with mother in the past. Thinking of the happy time when watching the flowers grew up, gradually bloom and then blossomed. The concept of the creation of woodcut art theme “Flowers of Happiness” semi-realistic by using wood carving techniques. There are 5 pieces of this creative art. The process of creating woodcut art is carving plywood boards to be a model which extended to the size of the prepared plywood. Next, copying it to the plywood. After that, removing the wood in the white part by carving the plywood one by one. Then, coloring from the lightest color to the darkest color. When all the colors are specified, then the color will be dried completely and put the works into the frame completely. The creation of this woodcut art theme “Flowers of Happiness” found that the flowers which used in the creation of works were satisfied in both forms, colors and learned how to create works with more details in wood carving techniques and more colors for overlap. There are some suggestions of this creation are the color that is not exactly as needed as intended and lack of the technique to increase the resolution of small lines into the work and the depth of the color. This creative work is still not satisfactory as expected. Keywords: woodcut art, flowers of happiness


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How to Cite

Anyo, N. (2020). The Creation of Woodcut Art Theme Flower of Happiness . Chophayom Journal, 31(2), 54–75. retrieved from


