The Erhu Maker in Kalasin Province


  • Manthana Chaiprakorn Independent scholar
  • Wutthisit Jeerakamon Music Program Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences


Erhu making, Chinese music instrument in Kalasin province


The aims of Kalasin’s Erhu maker study were 1) to study the biography of Mr.Chalermchai Phukhongnak, a teacher who makes Erhu in Kalasin province and 2) to study the Erhu making process from Mr. Chalermchai Phukhongnak. The data collected from related document and field interview. The research results were analyzed and presented as follows : 1. Mr. Chalermchai Phukhongnak is a teacher who lives in Samrantai sub-district, Samchai district, Kalasin province. He learned about the process of making music instrument from related website since he was studying in a university. The music instrument which he was interested in was Erhu. He also created resonator body cover method by himself. He is famous both in Thailand and abroad. 2. The material for making Erhu are hard wood, snake skin, tuning pegs, sound box, fiddle bow and strings. The Erhu making steps are making the sound box, fiddle base, core, then covering the resonator body with snake skin by his specific machine. Next, Spaying all pieces for vanish and let it dry. Assempling all parts and bringing 2 strings put in the core. Finally, testing the sound for completeness. Keywords: Erhu making, Chinese music instrument in Kalasin province


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How to Cite

Chaiprakorn, M., & Jeerakamon , W. (2020). The Erhu Maker in Kalasin Province. Chophayom Journal, 31(2), 34–53. retrieved from


