Incarnation cross novel entitled “Phromlikhit” written by Raumphaeng : Karma’s belief and Representing Strategies of Buddhist Concepts


  • Sumalee Phonkhunsap Thai Language Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences


Historocal fiction, Incarnation cross novel, Buddhist concept, Literary techniques


This article aims to study the buddhist concepts and literary techniques in the fiction entitled Phromlikhit written by Raumphaeng. The results reveal that there are four buddhist concepts appearing within the fiction as follow; 1.Karma 2.Passion 3.Trinity 4. Triple circle. Karma is frequently found most divided into 2 techniques. 1. Literary technique; 1) Character building enhances realistic, full of passion, and exaggerating character, for instance magical character capabled of returning back times. 2) Scene building constructs realistic scene relating to history as well as social classes in Kungsriayudhdhaya period and set exaggerating scene about hell and heaven. 3) Flashback describes background and behavior of leading character in the past resulting to the present circumstance. 2. Language strategies found that the author specifically uses figurative language as a tool in order to get imagery. The buddhist concepts in this novel are represented not only appealing narration, characters, and scenes but dhamma puzzles are also inserted throughout story within conversation and descriptive script benefiting to reader. Keywords: Historocal fiction, Incarnation cross novel, Buddhist concept, Literary techniques


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How to Cite

Phonkhunsap, S. (2020). Incarnation cross novel entitled “Phromlikhit” written by Raumphaeng : Karma’s belief and Representing Strategies of Buddhist Concepts. Chophayom Journal, 31(2), 124–148. retrieved from


