The Creation of Painting: Atmosphere of Isan belief


  • Theerawat Lodpai โรงเรียนอนุบาลบ้านเหนือเขมราฐ


Creation, Painting, Atmosphere of Isan belief


This creative art work aimed (1) to study the way of Buddhism beliefs of I-sarn people, (2) to create semi-realism paintings by using technique of acrylic painting on canvas. (3) to analyze painting. creation on the atmasphere of the way of I-sarn people’s beliefs The scope of the study included stories concerning the way of beliefs of I-sarn people toward the Buddhist belief and faith in Phya Naka. Field data, namely related documents and artistic influence were collected by photographing and the data were then analyzed, categorized, and synthesized to reach the step of model sketching and completing the creative work. The results of this research were as follows. The way of Buddhism beliefs of I-sarn people have been continually transferred from the ancestors to the new generation at the present time. The belief and the faith in Buddhist moral teachings of I-sarn people make them follow the Buddhist principles and lead their lives with love and unity and willing to share and help each other. Regarding painting creation on the atmosphere of the way of I-sarn people’s beliefs, 4 complete semi-realism paintings were created using technique of acrylic painting on canvas, with some detailed shape deleted and unified organization. The paintings’ themes are
related to belief and faith in the merit-making day at the Buddhist lent ending. They are aesthetics which are beneficial for public. Keywords : Creation , Painting , Atmosphere of Isan belief


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How to Cite

Lodpai, T. (2021). The Creation of Painting: Atmosphere of Isan belief. Chophayom Journal, 32(1), 11–33. Retrieved from


