Social Surveillance and Warning of Drugs Influence Teenage Risk Behaviors in Surveillance on Drug Distribution Area, Udonthani


  • Sungkom Suparatanagool Science Udon thani Rajabhat University
  • Patcharaporn Chisri Science Udon thani Rajabhat University


Social Surveillance and Warning, Drug, Risk Behaviors


The objectives of this research were 1) to investigate the level of social surveillance and warning of drugs and 2) to examine the influence of social surveillance and warning of drugs on risk behaviors of teenagers. A sample of 400 cases were drawn from households in Prachaksinlapakhom, UdonThani. The research instrument used for data collecting was the questionnaires. The data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics including frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Also, multiple regression analysis of inference statistics was used.

The study found that the overall level of social surveillance and warning in the households was at a high level ( gif.latex?\bar{X}=3.45; SD.=0.26), which the highest mean was the greatest understanding and awareness of drugs problems ( gif.latex?\bar{X}=3.91; SD.=1.11). Moreover, in school was at a high level ( gif.latex?\bar{X}=3.61; SD.=0.33), which the most aspect related in intensive in the curriculum that focused on anti-narcotics training ( gif.latex?\bar{X}=3.92; SD.=0.94). In local administrative organizations was a high level ( gif.latex?\bar{X}=3.50; SD.= 0.33). The study also revealed that the highest mean was a public relation to provide whistleblowing to as many local leaders as possible ( gif.latex?\bar{X}=3.82; SD.=0.89) and the lowest mean was behaviors of teenager at the slightest risk of drugs ( gif.latex?\bar{X}=1.39; SD.= 0.30). However, unusual extravagant spending habits also required as much social surveillance and warning of drugs as possible ( gif.latex?\bar{X}=2.11; SD.=1.03). The social surveillance and warning of drugs influenced on teenage risk behaviors had the statistically significance at a level of 0.05 that was household surveillance (B=0.08; P-value=0.03), while the surveillance in schools and in local government organizations were non-significant statistically.        

Keywords: Social Surveillance and Warning, Drug, Risk Behaviors


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How to Cite

Suparatanagool, S., & Chisri, P. (2021). Social Surveillance and Warning of Drugs Influence Teenage Risk Behaviors in Surveillance on Drug Distribution Area, Udonthani. Chophayom Journal, 32(2), 60–80. Retrieved from



Research Article