Forecasting Technology of Spatio-temporal Changes of Water Pollution Public Opinion


  • Anousavanh Sayavong Hohai University
  • Zhou Haiwei Hohai University


public opinion, water pollution, forecasting, BP neural network, fractal interpolation


This article aimed to summarize online public opinion about water pollution from the Weibo website and builds a forecasting framework. Collected from Weibo Website, the data in this study are public opinion in the form of microblog from January 1, 2015, to December 31, 2017, through web crawler technology; for the spatial analysis, Beijing, Nanjing, Nanning, Huludao, Xianyang, and Dehong were chosen as examples to find the online public opinion data. The data were analyzed by using the backpropagation (BP) neural network and the fractal interpolation method. Through the comparison of the two methods, the forecasting accuracy of the number of microblogs in 2017 by the BP neural network model is higher than that of the fractal interpolation model; but for the peak forecasting of a sudden increase in the number of microblogs, the fractal interpolation has done better. It can be said that the two models have their advantages in microblog public opinion forecasting due to their different theories. In the case of a spatial forecasting, the fractal interpolation model has less error rate in forecasting and the accuracy at a later point in time is more accurate than predicting the long-term public opinion. Therefore, the fractal interpolation model is suitable for predicting random events, but it needs to take into account the low forecasting results. The implications are included. 

Keywords: public opinion, water pollution, forecasting, BP neural network, fractal interpolation


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How to Cite

Sayavong , A., & Haiwei, Z. (2021). Forecasting Technology of Spatio-temporal Changes of Water Pollution Public Opinion. Chophayom Journal, 32(2), 163–185. retrieved from



Research Article