Lamphuan in Hadsiew sub – district, Si Satchanalai district, Sukhothai province


  • Wutthisit Jeerakamon Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences


Thai Puan, Lamphuan


This research had 2 objective were; 1) to study the Lamphuan play of Thai Puan people in Hadsiew sub – district, Si Satchanalai district, Sukhothai province and 2) to study the Lamphuan conservation guidelines. This research is qualitative research, the data collected from document other researches and field work study by interview and observation.  The result of this study founded; Lamphuan is a folk play which the players sit in a circle after that, all players get to singing with one by one switch by their gender. Kaen is the music instrument to play along when they sing. Lam Puan is usually used in auspicious party for example ordination ceremony, wedding ceremony, Kathin ceremony and Kham Fah festival. The lyric of Lam Puan will tell about flirtation or Buddhism. Rhythm of Lam Puan that tell about flirtation is independent rhythm, medium speed, the melody about F major key, the singing melody has 5 notes include D, F, G, A and C the lowest note is D and the highest note is C. Kaen melody has 6 notes include C D F G A and C (high), the lowest note is C, the highest note is D. Both singing melody and Kaen melody have not E note and B note, the directions of both melodies are same direction. Harmonize is homophony type and the form is single melody. In addition, the Lamphun conservation guidelines should be managed by local youth includes Thai Puan youth club and disseminating knowledge of flaming through local radio stations. 

Keyword: Thai Puan, Lamphuan


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How to Cite

Jeerakamon, W. (2021). Lamphuan in Hadsiew sub – district, Si Satchanalai district, Sukhothai province. Chophayom Journal, 32(2), 27–45. Retrieved from



Research Article