Creative Product Development from Local Wisdom in Khok Phu Tha Ka Khon Kaen Province A Case Study of Reed Mat Weaving Group Ban Hin Rong, Wiang Kao District, Khon Kaen Province


  • Burin Plengdeesakul Department of Visual Arts and Communication Arts, Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts Khon Kaen University
  • Pakinee Plengdeesakul Department of Design, Faculty of Architecture Khon Kaen University


Creative Product Development, local wisdom, reed mat, Khook Phu Tha Ka


The article entitled Creative Product Development from Local Wisdom in Khok Phu Tha Ka Khon Kaen Province: A Case Study of Reed Mat Weaving Group Ban Hin Rong, Wiang Kao District, Khon Kaen Province had the objectives of studying the current status, problems, and the needs for the creative products from the local wisdom in Khok Phu Tha Ka area, the case study of reed mat weaving group at Ban Hin Rong, Muang Kao Phatthana, Wiang Kai district, Khon Kaen province. The target group for this research about Knowledge group, including community leaders, village philosophers design expert Practitioners include Ban Hin Rong reed mat weaving group and related parties include consumers and tourists. By using a qualitative research method. The data was collected from both documental and field data using surveys and questionnaires. The data was then analyzed to determine the conceptual framework in the design and presented through descriptive analysis to accompany the design work. The study showed that the products made from the group’s reed mats consist of an out-of-date form in both the patterns and the colors. Most products were everyday objects, such as tissue boxes, different-sized pillows, folding mats, and dish placemats, similar to other brands in the same market, the market for local goods. Another problem was that they did not have their own brand or logo and lacked public relations to draw in the correct and
appropriate target customers. The design and development aspect of the creative products for the communities in Khok Phu Tha Ka area, Wiang Kao district, Khon Kaen province, emphasized creative product design and development in making outstanding and beautiful products to expand the target customer groups and creating the identity for the Hin Rong reed mat weaving group through their logos and packaging. Additional emphasis was on developing exotic products suitable for the work lifestyle and helping to expand the market for the group. More importantly, the researcher used the local wisdom within the communities to create the meaning that goes in line with the uniqueness of the products to create the identity of both the products and the reed mat weaving group of Ban Hin Rong in Wiang Kao district, Khon Kaen province. Keywords : Creative Product Development, local wisdom, reed mat, Khook Phu Tha Ka  


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How to Cite

Plengdeesakul, B., & Plengdeesakul, P. (2022). Creative Product Development from Local Wisdom in Khok Phu Tha Ka Khon Kaen Province A Case Study of Reed Mat Weaving Group Ban Hin Rong, Wiang Kao District, Khon Kaen Province. Chophayom Journal, 33(2), 15–39. retrieved from



Research Article