The Development of Learning Activities for Performance Skills based on Devie’s Concept of Saxophone Performance


  • Jaruwat Sukka Master of Music, College of music, Mahasarakham University
  • Sanchai Duangbung Master of Music, College of music, Mahasarakham University


Performance Skills, Saxophone, Performance Skills based on Devi’s Concept of Saxophone Performance


The objectives of this research are 1) to enhance learning activities for performance skills based on Devi’s Concept of Saxophone Performance to effectively meet (E1/E2) 80/80 criteria 2) to compare performance skills based on Devi’s Concept of Saxophone Performance with the criteria of 80 percent and 3) to study students’satisfaction towards the learning activities for performance skills based on Devi’s Concept of Saxophone Performance. The selected sample group comprises 5 junior high school students who have enrolled in a Western music course with a major for a saxophone instrument at the Roi Et College of Dramatic Arts. The research instrument used consists of 8 saxophone performance lesson plans with a cumulative duration of 16 learning hours in total.
The findings revealed that 1) the development of the learning activities for performance skills based on Devi’s Concept of Saxophone Performance to fulfill the (E1/E2) criteria achieved a score of 86.67/91.00, which was higher than the specified 80/80 criteria 2) the comparison of performance skills based on Devi’s Concept of Saxophone Performance scored at 91.00 percent, satisfying the criteria of 80 percent with statistical significance at the level of .01 and 3) the students’ overall satisfaction with the learning activities for performance skills based on Devi’s Concept of Saxophone Performance reached the highest level of satisfaction (equation= 4.92, S.D. = 0.14).

Keywords: Performance Skills, Saxophone, Performance Skills based on Devi’s Concept of Saxophone Performance


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How to Cite

Sukka, J., & Duangbung, S. (2024). The Development of Learning Activities for Performance Skills based on Devie’s Concept of Saxophone Performance. Chophayom Journal, 35(2), 1–18. Retrieved from



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