Bai Shou wu Dance Tujiazu Ethnic : Development of Ethnic Dance in Context Modern China


  • Chen Cheng Faculty of Fine-Applied Arts and Cultural Science, Mahasarakham University, Maha Sarakham, Thailand
  • Thanyalak Mooosuwan Faculty of Fine-Applied Arts and Cultural Science, Mahasarakham University, Maha Sarakham, Thailand


Hand waving dance, Tujia family, Chinese modern context


This article qualitatively explores the development of Tujia waving dance in the context of modern Chinese culture. The article explores the origin, transmission, changes, and development of hand waving dance vertically, and studies the artistic form and dance characteristics of hand waving dance horizontally. Research shows that hand waving dance embodies the religious worship, production and life of the Tujia people, with diverse forms of expression and rich cultural connotations. As the first batch of intangible cultural heritage in China, it is a cultural treasure of the Tujia people and even the entire Chinese nation.

Key words: hand waving dance, tujia family, Chinese modern context


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How to Cite

Cheng, C., & Mooosuwan, T. (2024). Bai Shou wu Dance Tujiazu Ethnic : Development of Ethnic Dance in Context Modern China. Chophayom Journal, 35(2), 186–212. Retrieved from



Research Article