The Love Patterns of Displaced Isan Characters in the Songs of Monkan Kankoon


  • Chettha Chakchai Thai Language Program, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University
  • Kit Sodalee Thai Language Program, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University


Displaced Isan characters, Music, Monkan Kankoon, Love Pathways


The research titled “The Love Pathways of Isan Diaspora Characters in the Songs of Monkan Kaenkoon”  aims to study the love pathways of Isan diaspora characters as depicted in the songs of Monkan Kaenkoon during the period 2020-2024. This study analyzes a total of 16 songs available on, utilizing the concepts of Diasporas by William Safran (1991) and Osten Wahlbeck (2002), as well as the concepts of Diasporic Identity by Stuart Hall (1994) and Paul Gilroy (1997). The result revealed that Monkan Kaenkoon’s songs present three distinct love pathways of Isan diaspora characters: 1) Nostalgia for past love, 2) Desire for love, and 3) Longing for love at home. These findings illustrate how themes of romantic relationships between young men and women are interwoven to create emotional bonds, fostering a sense of attachment to their homeland among the Isan diaspora characters.

Keywords: Displaced Isan characters, Music, Monkan Kankoon, Love Pathways


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How to Cite

Chakchai, C., & Sodalee, K. (2024). The Love Patterns of Displaced Isan Characters in the Songs of Monkan Kankoon. Chophayom Journal, 35(2), 56–72. Retrieved from



Research Article