News Topic Selection Affecting the Expectation of Gen Y Viewers in Bangkok Towards Rueng Lao Chao Nee Program


  • Benyapa Homthong Master student, Master of Communication Art Program in Strategic Communications, Bangkok University
  • Pornprom Chomngam Communication and New Media Department, School of Communication Arts, Bangkok University


news topic selection, expectation of viewers, RUENG LAO CHAO NEE program


The study on news topic selection affecting the expectation of Gen Y in Bangkok towards RUENG LAO CHAO NEE program aims to: 1) Investigate the news topic selection of the morning talk show. 2) Examine the expectations of Gen Y viewers in Bangkok towards the morning talk show. And 3) Examine the influence of news topic selection on the expectations of Gen Y viewers in Bangkok. The sample for this study consists of 230 male and female Gen Y viewers, aged 27-44, residing in Bangkok. Questionnaires were used as the data collection tool, and the data was analyzed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation statistics.
The study found that: 1) Most respondents choose to watch RUENG LAO CHAO NEE program based on topics of public concern, particularly those related to societal warnings, to stay informed for their safety and to share this information with others, as well as to apply it in their daily lives. 2) The majority of respondents expect RUENG LAO CHAO NEE program to keep them informed about events, allowing them to stay updated on societal developments. And 3) news topic selection affecting the expectation of Gen Y in Bangkok towards RUENG LAO CHAO NEE program, with statistical significance at the 0.01 level.

Keywords: news topic selection, expectation of viewers, RUENG LAO CHAO NEE program


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How to Cite

Homthong, B., & Chomngam, P. (2024). News Topic Selection Affecting the Expectation of Gen Y Viewers in Bangkok Towards Rueng Lao Chao Nee Program. Chophayom Journal, 35(3), 103–122. retrieved from