Developing Management Potential of Community Enterprise Group to Advance to the Status of a Model Community Enterprise: a Case Study of Ban Nong Kung Silk Production Community Enterprise Group. Nong Kung Si Subdistrict, Non Sa-At District, Udon Thani Province
Community Enterprise, Potential, Udon ThaniAbstract
This research aimed to study the situation of the development of the management potential of community enterprise groups to upgrade them to become model community enterprises, to study the opinions of group members on the development of the management potential of community enterprise groups, and to organize activities to develop the management potential of community enterprise groups according to the needs of the groups. The research methodology used a mixed research methodology, both quantitative and qualitative research. The study selected the community enterprise group of silk production in Ban Nong Kung, Nong Kung Sri Subdistrict, Non Sa-at District, Udon Thani Province. The population and sample were 41 members of the community enterprise group for quantitative data collection and selected key informants for qualitative data collection through in-depth interviews and observation. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, while recommendations were analyzed using descriptive analysis. The results of the study found that the current situation of the development of the management potential of community enterprise groups was initiated by Ms. Nikorn Kaewwisai, who was interested in and intended to promote mulberry planting and silk farming in the community. She established the Nong Kung Silk Production Community Enterprise and began expanding the network and registering it as a community enterprise with assistance from various government agencies. Currently, the Nong Kung Silk Production Community Enterprise Group can generate income for the community and has received awards of honor from various agencies. The group has been certified with Thai silk product standards. The study of group members' opinions on the development of community enterprise group management potential found that the overall was at a high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that the leadership aspect had the highest average value, followed by participation aspect, and finance aspect was the lowest.
Keywords: Community Enterprise, Potential, Udon Thani
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