A Professional Development Model for Educational Innovators of School Principals under the Office of the Basic Education Commission in Thailand


  • Koolchalee Chongcharoen Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University


Development Model, Educational Innovator, School Principal


This paper aimed to study the components of educational innovators of school principals and to develop a professional development model for educational innovators of school principals under the Office of the Basic Education Commission in Thailand. The research method used to study the components and develop an educational innovation development model of school principals from a group of 8 experts and a group of 1,130 school principals and teachers in schools in the innovation area. The constructed model was evaluated by 6 experts and 8 school principals. Tools used to collect both quantitative and qualitative data were an interview form, a questionnaire with the reliability coefficients of .984 and .990, and a focus group discussion form. Data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, factor analysis for quantitative data, and content analysis for qualitative data. The results showed that the components of educational innovators of school principals consisted of personal characteristics, potential development, and innovation management. The development model consisted of principles and objectives, components to be developed, development process, performance appraisal, and success factors in implementing the model. The results of the assessment of the model for educational innovators were at a high level. This research presents the development of educational innovators of school principals with a systematic model derived from comprehensive research and a national perspective.


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