Research on the Application of Theatrical Elements of Chengdu Sichuan Opera in Costume Design

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Meng Yan Chen
Miyoung Seo
Kriangsak Khiaomang


Sichuan Opera, an intangible cultural heritage, carries rich cultural connotations, with its facial makeup serving as a key component that showcases unique stylistic features. This aesthetic value has been widely referenced across various design and art disciplines. This study aimed to explore the redesign of Sichuan Opera facial makeup elements in fashion design and examine the cultural characteristics of its patterns. It was suggested that integrating Sichuan Opera facial makeup with modern fashion design not only preserves and promotes the art form but also expands its application in contemporary fashion. The study analyzed the artistic characteristics and thematic classifications of representative Sichuan Opera facial makeup and, through practical design processes, developed modern costume designs that appeal to public visual aesthetics. These designs sought to embody traditional significance while adding elements of creativity and innovation. This study provided fashion designers with new sources of inspiration, encouraging the evolution of traditional culture in modern clothing design. The research employed a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative and qualitative techniques. Interviews were conducted with five experts in the field of Sichuan Opera culture and five in fashion design. Additionally, surveys were administered to 425 consumers in Chengdu to assess their awareness of Sichuan Opera facial makeup and their acceptance of newly designed clothing. The findings revealed: 1) Integrating Sichuan Opera facial makeup elements with fashion styles, fabrics, and colors not only preserved the cultural heritage but also innovated contemporary fashion design by incorporating national characteristics. 2) New combinations of Sichuan Opera facial makeup elements in fashion design broke away from the traditional use of flat patterns and single fabric or craftsmanship techniques, allowing for diverse visual effects and the creation of innovative fashion pieces. 3) Using "Impressions of Sichuan" as the design theme, the study analyzed the design concepts of Sichuan Opera facial makeup in fashion design, presenting a modern reinterpretation that both honors and revitalizes this traditional art form, thereby offering fresh perspectives for the development of Chinese fashion design.

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How to Cite
Chen, M. Y. ., Seo, M. ., & Khiaomang, K. . (2024). Research on the Application of Theatrical Elements of Chengdu Sichuan Opera in Costume Design. วารสารศิลปกรรมและการออกแบบแห่งเอเชีย, 5(2), 231–250. สืบค้น จาก


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