Factors Leading to Work Passion for Innovative Work Behavior: Case Study of Small Hotel Business in Thailand Praweena Kasai and Wasita Boonsathorn

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ประวีณา คาไซ Praweena Kasai
วาสิตา บุญสาธร Wasita Boonsathorn



      The purpose of this research is to examine the factors leading to work passion for innovative work behavior among executives and employees in a small hotel business. This research employed a qualitative method with multiple case studies. Six boutique hotels and four hostels with Thailand Boutique Award and have been described by online reviewers as being innovative were chosen from different regions of Thailand. Forty participants including ten owners/executive and thirty employees with innovative experience were purposive selected for the interview in a form of semi-structure both individually and focus group.

     The results of factors leading to work passion for innovative work behavior among executives and employees in a small hotel business revealed in four different themes included; job factors, organization factors, relationship factors, and individual factor. The finding also reported that executives and employees perceived meaningful work, engagement to the organization, and personality as an important factor which could lead them to have more work passion for innovative work behavior.

     The researcher would propose the executive or owner of the small hotel business to set up the policy related to training and development program including business trip to other hotels in order to stimulate their innovation.


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How to Cite
Praweena Kasai ป. ค., & Wasita Boonsathorn ว. บ. (2018). Factors Leading to Work Passion for Innovative Work Behavior: Case Study of Small Hotel Business in Thailand Praweena Kasai and Wasita Boonsathorn. Dusit Thani College Journal, 12(1), 1–15. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/journaldtc/article/view/116614
Research Article


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