Impacts of Environment, Brand, Location and Price on Customer Loyalty of Mature Customers in Thai Hotel Industry

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สุภานันท์ แก้วโมราเจริญ Supanan Kaewmoracharoen
ชนินทร์ อยู่เพชร Chanin Yoopetch


The number of mature customers is growing rapidly, and currently becomes new target customer group in many industries including hotel business. The mature customers are found to spend more time at the hotel than other group with high purchasing power. It is vital for hoteliers to identify which hotel attributes have the greatest effect on customer loyalty which is regarded as one of key business success factors. In this study, the questionnaires were distributed to Thai and foreign tourists with experiences staying in the hotels in Thailand. In total of 198 tourists, 129 of those participants were 50 years old or over. The impact of four hotel attributes including environment, brand, location and price to customer loyalty of mature hotel customers were evaluated by using quantitative methodology. The findings suggested that environment, brand and location attributes have positive impact on customer loyalty whereas price attributes have no impact on customer loyalty of mature customers.

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Supanan Kaewmoracharoen ส. แ., & Chanin Yoopetch ช. อ. (2018). Impacts of Environment, Brand, Location and Price on Customer Loyalty of Mature Customers in Thai Hotel Industry. Dusit Thani College Journal, 12(1), 16–29. retrieved from
Academic Article


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