Participative Factors Affecting Community Based Tourism Management: A Case Study of Kham Muang, Kalasin Province

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กฤติยา สมศิลา Krittiya Somsila
กนกกานต์ แก้วนุช Kanokkarn Kaewnuch


This research is quantitative research. The purpose of this research was to study and analyze the factors affecting tourism management by Ban Phon community in Kham Muang district, Kalasin Province. The data was collected from the people involved in tourism by Ban Phon community, Kham Muang district, Kalasin province. Community officials, Young people and Ban Phon community members 400 sample conducted data analysis by analyzing data using inferential statistics for relationship between variables. Using Multiple Regression Analysis as the data analysis method, it was found that, based on the data analysis, public participation factors positively influenced the tourism management by Ban Phon community. At the 0.01 level of significance, the Ban Phon community had a high participation rate, which resulted in a higher level of Ban Phon community management. And the capacity of community tourism management has a positive influence on the tourism management by Ban Phon community. At a statistical significance level of 0.01, Ban Phon community has a high level of community tourism management capacity, resulting in a higher level of Ban Phon tourism management.

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Krittiya Somsila ก. ส., & Kanokkarn Kaewnuch ก. แ. (2018). Participative Factors Affecting Community Based Tourism Management: A Case Study of Kham Muang, Kalasin Province. Dusit Thani College Journal, 12(1), 103–123. retrieved from
Academic Article


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