The Problem of Perceptions and Expectations in Preparation to the Asean Economic Community of Entrepreneurs in Special Economic Zones

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วิภาดา มุกดา Wipada Mukda


This research aims 1) to analyze for perceptions and expectations in preparation to the ASEAN Economic Community 2) to analyze compare perceptions and expectations in preparation to the ASEAN Economic Community, classified as general data 3) to analyze the relationship between perceptions and expectations in preparation to the ASEAN Economic Community 4) to propose the problems and development guidelines from perceptions and expectations in preparation to the ASEAN Economic Community. The sample consisted of 164 entrepreneurs and 30 related persons. The tools used in the research were questionnaires and interviews. The statistics used for the analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and LSD. Using Pearson's correlation coefficient The results from in-depth interviews were analyzed. Synthesize and interpret and then summarize.

          The result found that: 1) The overall perception of the medium is that of economic, human security, social, cultural, environmental, political. and expectations at the high level include the human security economy, environmental, cultural, social and political 2) Comparative results of perception and expectation classified by general information of entrepreneurs. not different 3) The relationship between perceptions and expectations were positively related to the preparation to the ASEAN economic community at a significance level of 0.01 4) The problems and development guidelines of entrepreneurs In economic, creating large markets to expand trade and investment opportunities increase employment, In human security to create fairness. Reduce inequality Build confidence in the mechanisms and processes of justice. In social, improving the quality of human life. the state must provide good welfare to the people as a guarantee of life. In environment, know how to use the natural resource to be worthwhile, select the substitute energy. In culture, changes in ideas, beliefs, attitudes, values, cultivations, teachings of Thai youth in a variety of cultures. In political, promote cooperation with the public and private sectors, to solve the threat in new ways.

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How to Cite
Wipada Mukda ว. ม. (2018). The Problem of Perceptions and Expectations in Preparation to the Asean Economic Community of Entrepreneurs in Special Economic Zones. Dusit Thani College Journal, 12(1), 199–216. retrieved from
Academic Article


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