The Model of Marketing Strategy Affects to the Effectiveness of Private Higher Education in Bangkok

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โสภิณ ปิยชาติ Sopin Piyachat
จิรพล จิยะจันทร์ Jirapon Jiyajun


The objective of this research was found out the marketing model of private higher education in Bangkok. The method of research was used quantitative research and qualitative study. The population was 8 private higher educations in Bangkok. The samples for this study were 420 persons of first-year from Bangkok University, Bangkok Thonburi University, Kasem Bundit University, Dhurakij Pundit University, Rattana Bundit University, Siam University, University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce and Assumption University. The research instruments were check list form and semi-structured interview that had been tested the validity and reliability. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were such as percentage, mean, standard deviation, and content.

     The marketing model of private higher education in Bangkok was contained two factors. First factor was marketing mix of private higher education. The marketing mix included 4 elements that were feature of lecturer, channel awareness, physical, price and process of service. This factor was shown the 28.978% of fluctuation. Second factor was effectiveness marketing of private higher education. The effectiveness included 7 factors that were satisfaction of student, increasing of student, motivation, recognition, attitude, image and promotion of marketing. That was shown the 38.604% of fluctuation.

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How to Cite
Sopin Piyachat โ. ป., & Jirapon Jiyajun จ. จ. (2018). The Model of Marketing Strategy Affects to the Effectiveness of Private Higher Education in Bangkok. Dusit Thani College Journal, 12(1), 233–248. retrieved from
Academic Article


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