Airline's Roles for Supporting Sustainable Tourism Development

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วิเทพ วาทะวุฒิ Withep Watawuti
รักษ์พงศ์ วงศาโรจน์ Rugphong Vongsaroj


Globally, the increasing number of tourists has been evidenced. This paper aims to investigate the important roles of airlines in supporting the development of sustainable tourism. The aviation industry is considered as a main engine driving global tourism industry. Air travel is the preferred transportation option for most of tourists with an aim of recreational purpose. Although the tourism industry is a major contributor to national revenue, its adverse impacts on tourist sites has been seen. It is recognized that the tourism industry has directly and indirectly, positively and negatively economic, social and environmental impacts from the actions of tourism stakeholders such as airlines, airline passengers, local entrepreneurs, and local people. The Airline should have a role in creating awareness and willingness to both airline administrative and airline passengers to support the sustainable tourism development in 3 dimensions: economic, social and environment.

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Withep Watawuti ว. ว., & Rugphong Vongsaroj ร. ว. (2018). Airline’s Roles for Supporting Sustainable Tourism Development. Dusit Thani College Journal, 12(1), 315–331. retrieved from
Academic Article


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