The Framework of Social Responsibility in Resort Spa Service: A Case Study of Anantara Sikao Resort and Spa, Trang Province

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วิชชุตา มาชู Witchuta Marchoo
กนกอร แซ่ลิ้ม Kanokon Sae-Lim


This research aimed to investigate the expectations on spa standards in alliance with corporate social responsibility from the perspectives of spa’s stakeholders and to propose Spa Standards Framework based on CSR concept. The research employed Thai Spa Standards set by the ministry of public health and the Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility concept as the basis of study. Data were collected and analyzed, using qualitative method and the research was conducted at Anantara Sikao Resort and Spa, Trang province. The data obtained using in-depth interviews from 20 participants represented Anantara Sikao Spa’s Stakeholder groups. The research showed that the key stakeholders perceived that social responsibility is of great importance for the development of spa services and operations. The domains of social responsibility they perceived covered economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic responsibilities. Also, these fives domains of corporate social responsibility were expected to be in alliance with spa standards. Finally, this research proposed “The framework of social responsibility in spa service standards” as a contribution to improve the standards of spa operations in the future.

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How to Cite
Witchuta Marchoo ว. ม., & Kanokon Sae-Lim ก. แ. (2018). The Framework of Social Responsibility in Resort Spa Service: A Case Study of Anantara Sikao Resort and Spa, Trang Province. Dusit Thani College Journal, 11(3), 34–48. retrieved from
Academic Article


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