The Developments of Components of Service Standards System for Enhancing Personal Skills Towards Excellency in Social Network System of Thai Commercial Aviation’s Employee

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กิตติทัช เขียวฉอ้อน Kittitach Keawchaoon
ธีระวัฒน์ จันทึก Thirawat Chantuk
พิทักษ์ ศิริวงศ์


This research aims to examine the trends of components of service standards system for enhancing personal skills towards Excellency in social network system of Thai commercial aviation’s by applying documentary research technique and in-depth interview. This documentary research explored the related concepts and theories and then synthesized and summarized them into the tables. It applied the social network concepts by using the pajek program for the analyses of components of service standards system for enhancing personal skills towards Excellency in social network system of Thai commercial aviation .The results were trends of component of service systems for enhancing personal skills towards excellency in the social network system 's employees of Thai commercial aviation are Training, Service , Mentoring System, Team work, Communication, Self development, Personality.

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How to Cite
Kittitach Keawchaoon ก. เ., Thirawat Chantuk ธ. จ., & ศิริวงศ์ พ. (2018). The Developments of Components of Service Standards System for Enhancing Personal Skills Towards Excellency in Social Network System of Thai Commercial Aviation’s Employee. Dusit Thani College Journal, 11(3), 137–150. retrieved from
Academic Article


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