Development of Guideline to Enhance Employee Engagement for Innovative Organization in Hotel Industry
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This study was developed by integrating between two theories: the employee engagement theory and the in innovative organization theory. The employee engagement theory means the importance of keeping employee to work with the organization and to work with happiness and for the improvement of good perspectives of employee towards the organizations. This will make them feel to be a part of the organization and make them working with their utmost abilities for their own benefits and organizations. Innovative organization theory means the ability of organizations to create a variety of innovations via the management of system and resources in the organization to support the creation of innovations in order to create the values, benefits, and advantages over others.
This research provides a major contribution towards understanding the linkage of employee engagement and innovative organization which can be filled the gap of knowledge specific in Thai cultural context and hotel business in Thailand. In addition, the guideline for developing employee engagement to enhance innovative organization in Thai hotel business of this study can be a guideline attribution for promoting adoption of innovative organization in Thai hotel industry.
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