The Study of Employee Retention in Thailand’s Airlines Industry

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ทีปกร คำพิทักษ์ Teepakorn Kampitak
ชนินทร์ อยู่เพชร Chanin Yoopetch


The goal of this paper was to study the main factors encouraging employee’s retention within the airline business in Bangkok, Thailand. Therefore, this study aimed to examine factors influencing employee to maintain their employment in airline business and to identify the causes of employee turnover within airline industry, including the retention strategies being considered by the airline business section. The study was both qualitative and quantitative that used survey questionnaire and in-depth interviews for primary data with Human Resource representatives while second data collection was conducted by distributing questionnaires to crewmembers in the selected airlines. The research’s results revealed various important factors that had a certain level of influence on employee retention; such as job satisfaction, organizational culture, pay and benefits and retention strategies.

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How to Cite
Teepakorn Kampitak ท. ค., & Chanin Yoopetch ช. อ. (2018). The Study of Employee Retention in Thailand’s Airlines Industry. Dusit Thani College Journal, 12(2), 193–208. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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