The Policy Implementation Guidelines of Mutual Recognition Arrangement on Tourism Professionals: A Comparative Case Study of ASEAN Member Countries

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ชนินทร์ ศรีวิสุทธิ์ Chanin Sriwisut
พัทรียา หลักเพ็ชร Patthareeya Lakpetch


The main objectives of this research were to 1) find the context of the implementation according to the policy of ASEAN mutual recognition arrangement on tourism professionals (MRA-TP), 2) analyse the situation and gap in the implementation process of the MRA-TP in ASEAN member states (AMS), and 3) study the policy implementation guidelines of MRA-TP. This study was based on qualitative research approaches through primary and secondary data from documentary research, and in-depth interviews. The Main concept of the study was derived from monitoring, evaluating, and benchmarking based on integrated theory of public policy implementation. The Samples for this research were 54 key informants from purposive sampling, selected from the groups of stakeholder in Thailand and representatives of national tourism organisations in 10 AMS.

The study have posited that the AMS deployed the policy of MRA-TP in ASEAN regional level which were then implemented at national level with different methods; the outcomes reflected gap in the stage of implementation. The main reason of different directions in the implementation process was from the different context and background of AMS. Therefore, the study showed that while Singapore and Brunei were less focused on the implementation of MRA-TP. Cambodia and Indonesia, on the other hand had efficiently geared MRA-TP towards their operations with great process. Firstly, they focused on the cooperation between network partners. Secondly, they planed the implementation process with PDCA principles, and lastly, they facilitated the establishment of a center of excellence for exchanging the best practices in MRA-TP.

Regarding guidelines of MRA-TP, implemented as a policy in Thailand, it should be based on PDCA principles and integrated theory of public policy implementation for developing the implementation process. Moreover, the implementation guidelines rely on the cooperation of the three main actors including: 1) government agencies, 2) tourism associations, and 3) educational institutions. This approach will lead to integrated work and achievable equality with other AMS through the following three pillars: 1) being the core of ASEAN tourism professionals’ knowledge and experience exchange in the region, 2) developing a system and mechanisms to support the development of ASEAN competency standard of tourism professionals, and finally 3) developing the intelligence center of MRA-TP.

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How to Cite
Chanin Sriwisut ช. ศ., & Patthareeya Lakpetch พ. ห. (2018). The Policy Implementation Guidelines of Mutual Recognition Arrangement on Tourism Professionals: A Comparative Case Study of ASEAN Member Countries. Dusit Thani College Journal, 12(Special), 99–114. retrieved from
Academic Article


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