The Management Approach to Increase the Effectiveness of the Travel Business in Thailand

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สันติ ป่าหวาย Santi Pawai
อนันต์ ธรรมชาลัย Anan Thamchalai
สานิต ศิริวิศิษฐ์กุล


     There were four objectives of the research on The Management Approach to Increase the Effectiveness of the Travel business in Thailand, consisting of: 1) Study the problems of travel business management in Thailand. 2) Study the level of travel business management in Thailand. 3) To study the personal factors of tour operators. Factors of travel business and the promotion of business arrangements that affect the effectiveness of managing a business trip.  4) management guidelines to improve the effectiveness of business tourism in Thailand. Use of integrated research methods: 1) Quantitative research The sampling of 450 tour operators was conducted using questionnaire. Quantitative data analysis using percentage, Mean Standard Deviation and Linear Regression Analysis. 2) Qualitative research. The interviews were conducted by 10 entrepreneurs. Those related to tourism, both public and private sectors 9 people combined total of 19 people. And discussion groups, expert tour of 9 people.   Data were analyzed using content analysis and descriptive.

     The result of research that The Problem of managing Travel Business in Thailand consists of two factors: The factor within the organization and External factors. The Level of Travel Business Management in Thailand. Tour operators have a high level of feedback. Travel Business Management Factors affecting business performance management arrangements revealed that the Travel Business as a whole. Management effectiveness is related to tourism in the overall level of statistical significance .01. With the Planning, Organization Control and Leadership effects that affect the effectiveness of Travel Business Management. The 74.2% change in the effectiveness of Travel Business Management. When considering the weight of independent variables that affect the overall Management of Travel Business, It was found that Leadership was highest (Beta = 0.488). Affecting the Effectiveness of Travel Business Management. The Management Approach to Increase the Effectiveness of the Travel Business in Thailand: Tour Operators must Plan, Develop, Protect and Integrate into a private organization. The Government should be Promote, Develop, Improve and Protect the Travel Business.

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How to Cite
Santi Pawai ส. ป., Anan Thamchalai อ. ธ., & ศิริวิศิษฐ์กุล ส. (2018). The Management Approach to Increase the Effectiveness of the Travel Business in Thailand. Dusit Thani College Journal, 12(Special), 115–133. retrieved from
Academic Article


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