Indicator Development for Business Continuity Management of Thai Convention Venues under Crisis Situation

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ณัฐสินี ชินธนภูมิไพศาล Nathsinee Chinthanapoomp
พัทรียา หลักเพ็ชร Patthareeya Lakpetch


The purpose of this paper is to study the indicators development for business continuity management of Thai convention venues under crisis situation. This article was designed a survey research to develop construct measurement by using Third Order Confirmatory Factor Analysis. The research finding indicated that the indicator for business continuity management of Thai convention venues under crisis situation were created consistently with empirical data. There are 96 indicators in the total were remained from 150 indicators after the exploratory factor analysis (EFA). It is a statistical method used to describe variability among observed. Factor loading of 0.40 or greater and Cronbach’s coefficient alpha should have a minimum level of 0.7. were considered. The confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was using on the indicators for the close investigation of the overall construct reliability of all constructs reveals have acceptable construct reliability scores within an acceptable range of factor loadings (0.32 and above). The model fit indices present the acceptable fit scores, including Chi-square (178.584), df (68), CFI (0.961), GFI (0.930), RMSEA (0.137), RMR (0.018).

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How to Cite
Nathsinee Chinthanapoomp ณ. ช., & Patthareeya Lakpetch พ. ห. (2018). Indicator Development for Business Continuity Management of Thai Convention Venues under Crisis Situation. Dusit Thani College Journal, 12(Special), 264–277. retrieved from
Academic Article


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