Customer Satisfaction and Relationship Marketing in Hotel Business

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ฉัฐชสรณ์ กาญจนศิลานนท์ Chatchasorn Kanjanasilanon


This article intends to present Relationship marketing emphasizes the importance of creating and maintaining customer relations, supplier or service provider and other business-related organizations in order to attract new customers and retain exist customers. Marketing relationship Yield can be increased with a better understanding of the customer. Especially in the hotel business, the Organization must recognize the importance of creating a sustainable and long-term relationships with customers by understanding their satisfaction with the services provided will make the organization and the employee realizes the value of creating and maintaining the satisfaction of individuals associated with the service, both as a service provider and customer, which is a key role in the service process. When a customer has good feelings and moments in the service that meets the expectations or requirements, and then will bring competitive advantages. The quality of service that will keep most satisfied customers depend on physical evidences such as location, personality, skills, equipment, etc.

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How to Cite
Chatchasorn Kanjanasilanon ฉ. ก. (2018). Customer Satisfaction and Relationship Marketing in Hotel Business. Dusit Thani College Journal, 11(special), 305–320. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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