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พรทิพย์ ไชยโส Porntip Chaiso
ฉัตรศิริ ปิยะพิมลสิทธิ์ Chatsiri Piyapimonsit
พิกุล เอกวรางกูร
วารุณี ลัภนโชคดี
สุนทรา โตบัว


The Objectives of this research were to evaluate the Doctor of Education Program in Educational Research and Evaluation (Revised Version of B.E. 2554), Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University and development of Revised Version of B.E. 2559. The evaluation research methodology was used for evaluating the context, input, process, and output of the program. A Questionnaire was used to collect data from 125 educational administrators and personnel, 4 students, and 5  graduates. One Seminar with 3 experts was held to criticize the revised version of B.E. 2559. The data was analyzed by means of percentage, means, and standard deviation, as well as content analysis. The criteria for evaluation were 3.51 or up of mean scores and data from each informants group were agreed.

The research results indicated that 1) The program is suitable for continued implementation because 94.4 percent of 125 educational administrators and personnel agreed that the program was necessary for enhancing competency of personnel in current educational settings. The program were appropriate in term of structure and subjects, student admission, learning plan and instructors. The program process needs to find strategies in encouraging students to graduate in accordance to the schedule. The graduates possessed sufficient educational research and evaluation competencies to be qualified for their careers as lecturersand researchers, and be able to produce academic documents for publications. 2) The revised curriculum of B.E. 2559 Version was inspected and critiqued in the experts’ seminar and was developed so as to be appropriate in context, input, process, and product. This version should be followed up in each process of the implementation.

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Porntip Chaiso พ. . ไ., Chatsiri Piyapimonsit ฉ. . ป., เอกวรางกูร พ., ลัภนโชคดี ว., & โตบัว ส. (2018). CURRICULUM EVALUATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF DOCTOR OF EDUCATION PROGRAM IN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, FACULTY OF EDUCATION, KASETSART UNIVERSITY. Dusit Thani College Journal, 10(2), 21–37. Retrieved from
Research Article


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