The Accomplishment of Thainess Enhancement Using Drama-Based Instruction Program for Undergraduate Students

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Thanasin Chutintaranond Chutintaranond
Atchara Chaiyoopatam
Pornrat Damrhung


Thainess enhancement using drama-based instruction program for undergraduate students was an experimental research aims to increase knowledge about Thai culture and the pride to be Thai for undergraduate students in higher education institutions through general education subjects. This program was experimented with 24 undergraduate students for 1 semester or 48 hours. Pre-post examination, field observer form, self-reflection note and exercises were used to collect data. The results of this program revealed that students’ knowledge increased dramatically. The level of students’ pride also augmented sharply. The program overall score is ranked in the most satisfaction level. In short, Drama-based instruction is an alternative method for teaching and learning in higher education institution nowadays.

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How to Cite
Chutintaranond, T. . C., Chaiyoopatam, A. . ., & Damrhung, P. . . (2020). The Accomplishment of Thainess Enhancement Using Drama-Based Instruction Program for Undergraduate Students. Dusit Thani College Journal, 12(3), 414–428. retrieved from
Research Article


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